During October 2019, a number of our Advisory Board members have been addressing GSF and at our most recent event on Wednesday 16th October, we were delighted to have the opportunity to host Board member, the Rt Hon Jack Straw. He gave Continue reading →
Professor Malcolm Chalmers, Research Director and Director (UK Defence Policy) at RUSI, the Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for Defence 2010-2011 and Peter Jenkins CMG, former UK Ambassador to the IAEA, were the panellists in this Continue reading →
There was standing room only at the National Liberal Club on 24th January when Dr. Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Jonathan Fryer, Sir Jeremy Greenstock and Sir Malcolm Rifkind QC MP debated the question, ‘Iran and the West: Is War Inevitable?’ Sir Malcolm Continue reading →
GSF hosted a seminar entitled ‘Iran: Is Confrontation Inevitable – Prospects And Options?’ in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords on Wednesday 9th March 2011. The seminar was co-chaired by Lord Lothian, GSF’s Chairman and the Rt Hon Jack Continue reading →
On 24th November, Sir Richard Dalton addressed GSF on ‘Iran In 2009: How Much Has Changed?’ In a meticulous analysis, he drew on his expert knowledge of the region and the insights gained from his experience as the UK Ambassador Continue reading →
On Tuesday 21st October, Ambassador Denis Bauchard, Dr Jack Caravelli and Professor William R Polk shared their thoughts on the subject of ‘Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions and Energy Security’ in a roundtable which was co-hosted by Global Strategy Forum and Gulf Continue reading →
We held our first Iran debate on Tuesday 26th February, entitled ‘Iran: Time To Stand Against The “Forces Of Extremism?”‘, in reference to President Bush’s State of the Union address in January. Our panellists were Professor Ali Ansari, Douglas Murray Continue reading →